Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Everett's 3 Month Session

Well, here we are again!  I must say, if I could meet a baby this adorable and happy every day of the week, I would be in seventh heaven!  I love this part of the job!  A few weeks ago I introduced you to Ella, and this week, please meet Ella's cousin Everett.  

It's been beautiful weather for taking photos, and this day was no exception!  My favorite part of what I do is the great people I get to meet.  Everett is a perfect example of this!  This boy was all smiles (for the majority of our time together).  His personality shines through in these photos!  



Everett shared his session with the family dog!  This was her at the end of the session... ready for a nap, as I'm sure Everett may have been!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Miss Ella's 3 Month Session

Think back to the fall, more specifically my post "Angie's Maternity Session", even more specific... this photo...

I believe I made a comment about how baby wanted to make sure we knew she was there, she started kicking Angie while I was taking this photo and it was then that I had my first encounter with Miss Ella Brunner!  Well, Ella is here now and it's hard to believe she is already 3 months old!  I had the privilege of meeting this little peanut (outside of Mommy's tummy, that is) and my goodness, she just finds a way into your heart as soon as you look at her!  Brace yourselves everyone!  After you see these, your going to have to make room for one more baby in your heart!  Enjoy Miss Ella!
